Thursday, May 27, 2010

Do Boys Blog?

Do boys blog? I just spent the last hour desperately searching for a male friend with a blog. No luck. All girls. I'm feeling something between panic and shame. You know that microsecond when someone begins to open the unlocked bathroom door while you're stranded on the toilet? That's me right now, except there won't be a quick door slam in the seconds following. Here I am with my pants down.

I had no idea it was a violation of masculinity to divulge deep emotional angst for the world to see. Wait a second, I did know that. Crap. I guess I'm the only one to blame for my verbal diarreah. I should have locked the door.

Hold the phone, I just found two guy friends with blogs! No wait, their last posts were in July and October respectively... of 2008! I'm already posting once a day. I'm embarrassed.

What do I do? Should I slink back to the appropriate semi-annual male posting schedule? It feels a little late for that. My blog plunge has been more of a cliff-dive than an ankle-wade.

Can I shamelessly power ahead? That seems a little awkward, especially considering the lack of male support. Who else could appreciate potty imagery? C'mon men, expose yourselves! Blogging is what cool people do.


  1. Jordan is starting a blog, so it must be an incredibly tough, manly thing to do.

  2. I just updated my blog before I read your post... I am male.

  3. hey... I have a blog (actually 2. One is a photoblog though.)

  4. I am proud to say that I am a follower of another man blogger!!!

  5. One of my fave bloggers ever is a man, Matt Logelin. He updates pretty regularly, and is very raw and real, and freaking amazing.

    Maybe it's b/c his name is Matt ;)

  6. I have a blog but have not posted anything in a while. I use it mostly to follow other people

  7. I have one too :) hit it up. I'm overdue for an update though....just by a couple months :)

  8. Jordan doesn't have anything going yet (internet is to sketchy at this point), but I'll let you know when he does.
    BTW - I was talking to him this morning and he mentioned that he's been reading this blog! So, you've definitely gone international with it :)
